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Janastu - Servelots Blog
Collection of Janastu - Servelots stories
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ASPi Reflections - Contextualising and Localizing Technology in Taragram
We visited the Taragram campus for the W4P meetup where many of the partnering organisations came together.
Sculpting a Webinar Pi - The Pi 4 Debacles
In order to make technology accessible, you must foster transperency and care
Journeys, Dreams and everything in between
A few things can be achieved through technology, and a few more through contextual, open-source, local and community-based technology.
A case for a Webinar Pi
We have been making a case for storytelling and making as essential for inclusive development. Our rural ecosystem is losing voice due to the distance created between the textually prolific...
Papad Annotating Audio
Papad aims to be the audio visual publishing platform for the low literates, without barriers of knowing to read and write.
CrafterSpace: Photo Blog
CrafterSpace, a craft cluster project started by Mitan and Janastu, funded by Rotary Dist. 3190.
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